Bahnhof | Datum | Gleis | An | Ab | Gleis | Zug | Angebot |
Zürich HB | 23/24 | 6:30 | 5 | CIS 151 RR Z WR VN | |||
Milano Centrale | 2003 | 10:15 | |||||
oder | |||||||
Bahnhof | Datum | Gleis | An | Ab | Gleis | Zug | Angebot |
Zürich HB | 23/24 | 7:04 | 5 | CIS 153 RR Z WR VN | |||
Milano Centrale | 2003 | 10:45 |
Bei fahrt mit dem CISAlpino ist die Einnahme eines Seekrankheitsmittel/Reisekrankheitsmittel (Dramamin oder ähnliches) zu empfehlen, wenn man anfällig ist. Die Toiletten sind zum Teil stark frequentiert mit würgenden Reisenden.
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Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Sa 10 - 19.30 Uhr, Mittagspause von 12.30 - 15 Uhr (bis auf grosse Kaufhäuser, die auch im Gegensatz zu den Boutiquen - Montagvormittag geöffnet sind)
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Im Mode-Mekka sind alle Grossen der Alta Moda zu Hause. Die Flaniergasse Via della Spiga lädt zum Shoppen ein. Corso Buenos Aires ist die lange Shopping Strasse Minlanos. Zahlreiche Geschäfte, Kaufhäuser sind hier zu finden. Viele haben auch Sonntags geöffnet.
Via Sant' Andrea 21
Via Sant' Andrea 9
Magazzini Cappelini
Via Monte Napoleone 27
Il Salumaio
Via Monte Napoleone 12
La Rinascente
Piazza del Duomo
Öffnungszeit: tägl. bis 22.00 Uhr, Sonntag "nur" bis 20.00 Uhr
Ambiente: das grösste und schönste Kaufhaus
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Scala |
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Burg |
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Burg |
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Burg |
Il Camparino
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
Telefon: 86464947
Öffnungszeit: tägl. 08.00 - 20.30 Uhr
Ambiente: Geburtsstätte des Camparis
Irish Pub
Lollapaloosa Pub
Corso Como 15
Telefon: 6555693
Öffnungszeit: 19.00 - 03.00 Uhr, So geschl.
via Brera
Ambiente: Irish Pub, zur Happy Hour gibts kleine Happen zu essen, welche fast eine
Hauptmahlzeit ersetzen.
Via Fiori Chiari
Ambiente: Disco
E.T.L El Tropico Latino
Via Fiori Chiari
Corso Como 7
Telefon: 6598996
Öffnungszeit: tägl. 22.00 - 04.00 Uhr
Ambiente: Szene Disco
Via Ascanio Sforza 49
Telefon: 89402874
Öffnungszeit: tägl. 20.00 - 02.00 Uhr, Dienstag geschl.
Ambiente: Live-Jazz
La Rosa Nera
via solerino 12
Telefon: 6598972
Ambiente: Pizzas und andere Spezialitäten wie Fisch, Osso Bucco. Das kleines Lokal mit
einer hohen Decke vermittelt eine typische italienische Atmosphäre. Leider ist der
Kellner (einer für alle Gäste) überfordert und das feine Essen wird an der Theke kalt.
La Scaletta
Piazza Stazione Porta di Genova
Telefon: 58100290
Öffnungszeit: Di - Sa 12.00 - 13.30 und 20.00 - 24.00 Uhr
Ambiente: Gourmet-Tempel
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
Telefon: 72003433
Öffnungszeit: 12.00 - 15.00 und 19.00 - 24.00 Uhr
Ambiente: Schlemmerparadies
Al Garibaldi
Viale Monte Grappe 7
Telefon: 6575216
Öffnungszeit: So - Do 12.00 - 15.00 und 20.00 - 01.00 Uhr, Sa nur abends
Ambiente: Schlemmerparadies
Al Vecchio Porco
Via Messina 8
Telefon: 313862
Öffnungszeit: Di - Sa 12.00 - 15.00 und 20.00 - 24.00 Uhr, So Nachmittag und Mo geschl.
Ambiente: Schlemmerparadies
Via Monte Napoleone 12
Telefon: 784650
Öffnungszeit: Mo - Sa 12.00 - 20.00, So geschl.
Ambiente: Schlemmerparadies
Choice of restaurants is wide in Milan: together with restaurants that purpose
traditional cuisine - Milanese or regional cuisine - there are other places that look at
tastes and customs of other countries: the recent passion for brunch is only an example.
Milanese people know that ethnic cuisine represents an interesting alternative to
traditional dishes; so foreign restaurants are always more. The zones with the highest
concentration of places are the historical centre, Brera and Navigli. Generally in Brera
zone and in the city centre you find the most sophisticate places, and in Navigli zone
most rustic ones (like wine bars and pizzerias). But, of course, also other quarters
contains good restaurants. The choice of places that we purpose is based on the
relationship quality-price. We purpose addresses for all economic possibilities (numerous
are pizzerias). These are some general advises:
Aimo e Nadia
6, Via Montecuccoli, tel. 02.416886 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
High cuisine in a decentralised restaurant, established itself as one of the best in
Lorenteggio zone. ££££
Alfredo Gran Sasso Bernardo
14, via Brogese, tel. 02.3319000 (closed Sundays)
Temple of rice and regional cuisine of Lombardia. Cimitero Monumentale zone. ££££
12, Via Borgospesso, tel. 02.76002572 (closed Mondays and Tuesdays breakfast)
Branches are also in New York and London. From 1922 this restaurant of typical cuisine of
Tuscany in the gold quadrilateral is one of the most important restaurants of Milan.
City centre zone. £££
2, piazza Belgioioso, tel. 02.76020224 (closed Saturdays and Sundayst breakfast).
It's the meeting place of managers. Luxury fitted out, it's situated in one of the most
squares of Milan. The name means: hole. City centre zone. £££
Don Lisander
12/a, Via Manzoni, tel. 02.76020130 (on Sundays closed).
With this name was called Alessandro Manzoni. "Old Milan" atmosphere, classic
cuisine. The
American would call it: "an old favourite". City centre. £££
Giannino 8, via A. Sciesa, tel. 02.55195582 (closed Sundays).
Elegant and well frequented; bastion of the Milanese tradition. Porta Vittoria zone.
3, Via San Marco, tel. 02.6555587 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
From Corso Venezia it's moved to Brera. It remains one of the most important names in the
refreshment. Brera zone. ££££
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, tel. 02.72003433 (closed Sunday).
"Milanese" very prestigious restaurant, accommodated in the gallery. Here ate
Onassis and
Maria Callas; today it's very (too much?) loved by Japanese people. Centre zone. £££
Via Conchetta, corner 14, Via Troilo, tel. 02.58104451 (closed Sundays).
Elegant atmosphere, sophisticate and full of innovations cuisine. Navigli zone. ££££
The following places are open, if not specified, also in the evening.
Alla Vecchia Trattoria di Via Unione
6, Via Unione, tel. 02.874401 (open only for breakfast, closed Sundays)
Place always crowned: it offers only vegetarian food. Centre zone.
Latteria San Marco
24, via San Marco, tel. 02.6597653 (closed Sundays breakfast and Sundays).
Few tables, familiar atmosphere; very good traditional cuisine. Frequented by Milanese
Brera zone.
Bistrot San Tommaso
5, via San Tommaso, tel. 02.874510 (closed Sundays).
Rustic counters, young, chaotic and vivacious atmosphere. Few hot dishes, good salads.
service directly by the counter. Centre zone.
Centro Macrobiotico Italiano
7, via Larga, tel. 02.58307416 (open only for breakfast, closed Saturdays and Sundays).
Simple and "natural" atmosphere; macrobiotic cuisine. Centre zone.
Galleria Meravigli
3, Via Meravigli, tel. 02.8055125 (closed Sundays).
A vivacious place for breakfast, but not only. It's also pizzeria. Centre zone.
Insalatiera delle Langhe
6, corso Como, tel. 02.659180 (closed Sundays).
Next to the famous restaurant, a light alternative for lunch. Brera-Garibaldi zone.
Pane e Farina
6, via Pantano, tel. 02.8693274 (closed Saturdays and Sundays breakfast).
Restaurant-pizzeria always crowed (also in the evening). Britannic atmosphere. Centre
Via Ancona, corner via San Marco, tel. 02.6572059 (closed Mondays).
Good cuisine and service. At lunch-time there are a lot of journalists and advertising
Brera zone.
5, via Tagiura, tel. 02.48950613 (closed Sundays).
Bar that becomes restaurant only for lunch. Good cuisine. Lorenteggio zone.
Taverna Morigi
8, via Morigi, tel. 02.864508880 (closed Sundays).
Historical place hidden in one of the most elegant quarters; characteristic atmosphere.
Magenta/via Torino zone.
Al porto
Piazzale Cantore, tel. 02.89407425 (closed Sundays and Mondays breakfast).
Fish, fish and again fish. Ticinese/Navigli zone. £££
5, via Stoppani, tel. 02.2046003 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
Tastes cuisine of Eolie isles. Buenos Aires zone. £££
Centro Ittico
35, via F. Aporti, tel. 02.26143774 (closed Sundays and Mondays).
Very fresh fish of every kind. Very crowned. Buenos Aires zone. ££
Via B. Cellini, corner P. Sottocorno, tel. 02.76023313 (on Monday closed).
Times ago it was a restaurant of typical cuisine of Tuscany. Now it's specialised in fish.
Vittoria zone. £££
2, via Q. Sella, tel. 02.76023313 (open only in the evening, closed Sundays).
People call it "Mariscaria all'Italiana". A touch of Spanish atmosphere,
informal, a lot of fish
and Italian cuisine. Centre zone. ££
Trattoria del Pescatore
5, via Vannucci, tel. 02.58320452 (closed Sundays).
Only good fish, in this a bit decentralised place. Porta Romana zone. ££
Il Sanbuco
10, via Messina, tel. 02.33610333 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
Someone says that this the best restaurant of fish of Milan. Paolo Sarpi zone. £££
Alle Langhe
6, corso Como, tel. 02.6554279 (closed Sundays).
Cuisine of Piemonte, but not only. Trendy place next to Brera. ££
L'Altra Pharmacia
3, via Rosmini, tel. 02.6554279 (closed Sundays).
Regional cuisine of Friuli, but not only. Paolo Sarpi zone. £
Al pont de Ferr
55, Ripa di Porta Ticinese, tel. 02.89406277 (open only in the evening, closed Sundays)
Comfortable place in a characteristic zone. Good cuisine. Navigli zone. £
Al Vecchio Molino
3, via Pioppette, tel. 02.89403300 (open only in the evening, closed Sundays).
Small place, traditional and regional cuisine. Navigli zone. ££
Al Vecchio Porco
8, via Messina, tel. 02.313862 (closed Sundays breakfast and Mondays).
Restaurant-pizzeria very trendy, with photos of pigs. Paolo Sarpi zone. £
Asso di Fiori Osteria dei Formaggi
54, Alzaia Naviglio Grande, tel. 02.89409415 (closed Sundays).
A must stop for lovers of cheese. Navigli zone. ££
5/a, via Sottocorno, tel. 02.76003571 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
For lovers of meat. Unique in its genre. Porta Vittoria zone. £
La Bettola di Piero
17, via Orti, tel. 02.55184947 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
Good traditional and simple cuisine. Porta Romana zone. £
17, via Carducci, tel. 02.866040 (closed Sundays).
Good vines. Dishes together with vines. Magenta zone. ££
La Briciola
Via Solferino, corner via Marsala, tel. 02.6551012 (closed Sundays and Mondays).
Top-models and young Milanese people have dinner in the heart of Brera. Brera zone. ££
La Briosca
13, via Ascanio Sforza, tel. 02.8394933 (closed Mondays).
Traditional cuisine. Customers could do a short talk, upon reservation. £
La Brisa
15, via Brisa, tel. 02.86450521 (closed Mondays breakfast and Sundays).
Hidden behind Corso Magenta, popular among the subtle Milanese establishment, offers a
good traditional cuisine in a quiet and sophisticated atmosphere. Agreeable, in the
summer, the
garden. Magenta zone. ££
Collina Pistoiese
1, via Amedei, tel. 02.86451085 (closed Fridays and Saturdays breakfast).
Traditional and agreeable furniture. Excellent cuisine. A classic restaurant of cuisine of
Tuscany, "Milanese" from 1938. Via Torino zone. ££
3, via B. Corio, tel. 02.5511372 (closed Saturdays lunch-time and Sundays).
Place with a familiar atmosphere. Household cuisine and tastes of Calabria. Porta Romana
zone. ££
Grand Hotel Pub
75, via A. Sforza, tel. 02.89511586 (open only in the evening, closed Mondays).
Good traditional cuisine in a atmosphere of old place. Navigli zone. £
I Malavoglia
4, via Lecco, tel. 02.29531387 (closed Mondays).
Regional Sicilian cuisine; a lot of fish. Buenos Aires zone. ££
46, Alzaia Naviglio Grande, tel. 02.8373426 (closed Tuesdays).
Cheeses, sliced meat: a rustic cuisine and good vines. Navigli zone. £
Osteria dei Binari
1, Via Tortona, tel. 02.89406753 (closed Sundays).
Elegant place, with small garden, behind the station of Porta Genova. Navigli zone. ££
Osteria da Francesca
32, viale Argonne, tel. 730608 (closed Sundays).
Decentralised place, that offers a simple atmosphere, traditional cuisine and good
Città Studi zone. ££
Osteria del Treno
46, via San Gregorio, tel. 02.6700479 (closed Saturdays).
Traditional cuisine, but not only. Buenos Aires zone. ££
Osteria Vècju Friul
5, via E. De Marchi, tel. 02.6704295 (closed Sundays).
Restaurant dedicated to regional cuisine of Friuli, with excellent vines. Comfortable.
Station zone. £
Piero e Pia
2, piazza Aspari, tel. 02.718541 (closed Sundays).
Good cuisine of Piacenza. Città Studi zone. ££
Quattro Mori
1, largo Maria Callas, tel. 02.878483 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
Traditional clientele near to the Sforzesco Castle. Retrò atmosphere and traditional
Centre zone. ££
Largo Treves, tel. 02.86463220 (closed Mondays).
Restaurant that offers a typical cuisine of Tuscany-Milan. Frequented by journalists of
near newspaper: "Corriere della Sera". Brera zone. ££
Tano passami l'olio
32/a, via Vigevano, tel. 02.8394139 (open in the evening, closed Sundays). Small
restaurant that
offers a very special selection of oils. Original cuisine. Navigli zone. ££
Torre di Pisa
21, via Fiori Chiari, tel. 02.874877 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
Traditional cuisine of Tuscany; rustic but comfortable atmosphere. Brera zone. ££
Trattoria Masuelli
80, viale Umbria, tel. 02.55184138 (closed Mondays breakfast and Sundays).
Perfumes and tastes of Lombardia and Piemonte. High ceilings, simple furniture; it's one
of the
"traditional" places of the city. Porta Vittoria zone. ££
Trattoria della Pesa
10, viale Pasubio, tel. 02.6555741 (closed Sundays).
Founded in 1881. Here ate Ho Chi Minh during his staying in Milan. Milanese tradition in
choice of dishes. Paolo Sarpi zone. ££
Trattoria Toscana
58, corso di Porta Ticinese, tel. 02.89406292 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
In spite of the name not only cuisine of Tuscany. Ticinese zone. ££
Il Verdi
5, piazza Mirabello, tel. 02.6593797 (closed Sundays).
The meeting place of first Milanese "yuppies" is become a restaurant for
everything. Famous
its rich salads. You can't reserve. Brera zone. ££
28, via Monti, tel. 02.4987166 (closed Saturdays).
A very known name by Milanese people. Magenta zone. £
Brick Oven
3, via Marsala, tel. 02.29015281 (closed Mondays).
Pizza is good, but if you want there are also steaks. Brera zone. £
Di Gennaro
14, Via Santa Redegonda, tel. 02.8053454 (closed Thursdays).
In the city-centre, a classic pizzeria. Always crowned. City-centre zone. £
5, via Palermo, tel. 02.877759 (closed Thursdays).
Pizza and salads. Brera zone. £
La Libera
21, via Palermo, tel. 02.8053603 (opened only in the evening, closed Saturdays).
Pizzeria but not only. Vivacious and noisy atmosphere, in this always crowned place. Brera
zone. £
Il Moro 2
Via Salaino, corner Via Solari, tel. 02.48007652 (closed Tuesdays).
Do you want to try a medio-oriental pizza? The place is directed by Egyptian people. You
taste also other specialities.
Old America
15, via Vincenzo Monti, tel. 02.4983607 (closed Sundays).
Atmosphere of America of 30'. Good place also for an after-cinema (the cuisine is open
It's best to reserve. Magenta zone. £
Paper Moon
1, via Bagutta, tel. 02.76022297 (closed Sundays)
Times ago it was a chic pizzeria. City centre zone. £
Rita e Antonio
2/a, via Puccini (closed Saturdays breakfast and Mondays).
Very near to the Sforzesco Castle, hidden among hoarding (it's in construction an
parking, the place offers the original pizza of Naples. City centre zone. £
Rino Vecchia Napoli
5, via Chavez, tel. 02.2619056 (closed Sundays breakfast and Mondays).
Very good pizza, place always crowned. Buenos Aires zone. £
Rosy e Gabriele
26, via Sirtori, tel. 02.29525930 (closed Wednesdays).
Historical pizzeria. Big room, always crowned. Porta Venezia zone.
Via Spontini, tel. 02.2047444 (closed Mondays).
High and soft pizza that has a lot of lovers. Buenos Aires zone. £
La Terza Carbonaia
3, via degli Scipioni, tel. 02.29531704 (closed Sundays and Mondays breakfast).
During the summer you can eat pizza in the garden. Buenos Aires zone. £
3, via Malpighi, tel. 29526098 (closed Tuesdays).
Historical pizzeria open until late. Buenos Aires zone. £
4, via Boccaccio, tel. 02.4601616 (open only for breakfast, closed Sundays).
Natural cuisine with some dishes of fish. Magenta zone. £
118, via P. Castaldi, tel. 02.29522124 (closed Saturdays breakfast and Sundays).
The temple of the vegetarian cuisine. Buenos Aires zone. ££
Il Naviglio
5, via Casale, tel. 02.89400768 (Monday and Tuesday open only for breakfast, closed
Also take-away in this restaurant that purposes natural cuisine. Navigli zone. £
Vita Sana
14, via Cesariano, tel. 02.33611574 (open only for breakfast, closed Saturdays and
Self-service of vegetarian dishes. Sempione/Paolo Sarpi zone. £
Prices at restaurants:
£ = from L.35.000 to L.50.000 per person
££ = from L.50.000 to L.70.000 per person
£££ = from L.70.000 to L.100.000 per person
££££ = from L.100.000 per person
Letzte Änderung: 24.07.13 14:50